Content Marketing Strategy

Guide to Creating an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

  • November 16, 2019

What is Content Strategy?

Content strategy is a set plan to keep a balance between you and customers. Content marketing strategy is very important. It makes sure that a business is producing valuable contents for its customers. The following should be considered when creating a Content marketing strategy:

  • Set down achievable goals
  • Who you’re creating it for
  • Target audience
  • How it’ll help them in a way no one else can.
  • Tactics to achieving the set down goals.
  • The channels where it will be published
  • How you will schedule and manage creation and publication[irp]

Some common objectives that we see from content marketing strategies:

  • Generate sales leads
  • Lower cost per acquisition
  • Improve search visibility (SEO)
  • Increase trials/signups

The key here is defining what you want to achieve from your content marketing. How it’s going to help your business.

Why Do Marketers Need to Create a Content Marketing Strategy?

Content marketing helps businesses prepare and plan on how to generate website traffic. Content marketing also helps to educate your target audience and generate awareness for your brand.


  1. Define Your Goal: Content marketing is about the why. Why do you really need a content strategy? Who are the people you’ll be helping? How can you help them effectively? But most importantly, how will you make profitable results. This guide would help you in setting achievable and measurable goals.
  2. Measure Your Results with Metrics: When defining your content marketing strategy, you should understand that metrics you use. Metrics help measure the success of your efforts and flows directly from the main objectives. Metrics tell you how well your content marketing is helping you to achieve your business goals. If you measure content metrics such as page views, times on site, etc by themselves, they don’t tell you anything about the business value that you’re creating from your content. Rather, you need metrics that tie your tactics to your objectives.[irp]
  3. Conduct Persona Research: To develop a successful plan, you need to clearly define your content’s target audience. Also known as your buyer persona. With content marketing, your ultimate goal is not only to attract people to your website but to attract the right people at the right times. By knowing your target audience, you can work at producing valuable content that they’ll want to read. To build a buyer persona, you need to understand the kind of content that you should create.
  4. Develop A Content Management System: Have a system in place where you can manage your content. A few vital parts of content management include content creation, content publication, and content analytics. Some management system options include Hubspot, CoSchedule, and WordPress.
  5. Determine which types of content you want to create: There are various types of contents to produce and various ways to create them. Some of the ways include blog posts, eBooks, Templates Infographics, Podcasts, videos etc. Research on them and the one which is most convenient for you should be used in creating contents.
  6. Publish and manage your content: Whatever can be measured can be managed. With the help of an editorial calendar, you’ll be able to publish a poised content for your website.[irp]

For more Content Marketing tips check out our Blog or visit our website to talk to one of our Digital Marketing specialists.

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