Social Media Marketing Mistakes Hurting Your Brand
- September 26, 2019
Social Media Marketing Mistakes Hurting Your Brand
In this jet age where marketing messages are everywhere, marketing campaigns need to be relevant. Between users having a low attention span and marketing contents competing for users attention. Marketers need to avoid making social media marketing mistakes. Digital marketers need to ensure every social media post is relevant, timely and aimed the right target audience.
Poor image quality or no image:
Firstly, humans are very visual by nature and need images to remember things long after. Scientist claim that about 90% of information arrives our brain in visual form. To connect with online users, ensure you always add an image. You might not be a graphic designer but free tools like Canva can help with high-quality images and reduce social media marketing mistakes.
Self Promoting Only:
Secondly, promoting your brand can be a potential turn off to online users. People don’t want to be told how great a brand is, they want to be shown. Users search for relevant contents, and your blog or website might not have these contents. Take out time to curate contents from market leaders and established brands.[irp]
One sided conversations:
Thirdly, most brands are content trigger happy, focusing on numbers of daily posts. Social media is a space for brands and users to start a conversation. It might be your twitter handle or Facebook page, but it also belongs to your users. It is necessary to encourage engagements and discussions. If a user asks questions, respond and in a timely and social fashion.
Ineffective or sporadic ad spending:
Fourthly, social media platforms like Facebook, are cutting back on organic impressions, brands spend for visibility. Having a huge ad budget is no assurance for successful social media marketing campaign. Ads must be optimized and aimed at a target audience. Ad content needs to be relevant and a Call to Action might come in handy. No amount spent on an ad can compensate for poor content, spend wisely.[irp]
Neglecting Analytics:
Lastly, any form of Digital Marketing without analytics, testing, and reporting will fail. In digital marketing there is no one-size-fits-all approach to success. Success comes from testing, testing, and more testing different strategies. The only way to know if your making progress, is by analyzing the data. Brands are lost in the euphoria of things upon opening a social media account. As rule of thumb carry out analytics weekly, or at least monthly.