Why Google Hates Obnoxious Pop-up
- November 16, 2019
Google doesn’t like obnoxious pop-up ads. This sounds confusing as Google makes money from advertising. However, Google’s first priority is to make searchers experience as easy as possible. Potential customers are also annoyed by these pop-ups. In a recent survey, it has been discovered that like intruding ads, mobile ads and video ads.
As customers, we all know what these annoying ads are. Ads that forces you to wait before you can get the content you want to read. Some of these ads even take up the full screen and are sometimes difficult to exit.
So, what then is Google doing about it? Googles latest anti-intrusive ad effort relies on the “Coalition for better ads standards”. It has already begun by sending out emails warning websites that have annoying pop-up ads on their sites which violate these standards.[irp]
What types of ads are offensive and annoying? A survey was done on this, and it was discovered that the experiences of the users as it pertains to the website content. R.g, if I’m reading a website content on economics and a video ad on gaming pops-up, this may be offensive. According to this research done, the types of offensive ads have been categorised, which are:
Desktop Ads
- Pop-up ads
- Auto-playing video ads with sounds
- Prestitial ads (appears before content is shown)
- Large sticky ads which stick to the end of the page.
Mobile Ads
- Pop-up ads
- Prestitial ads
- Ad density higher than 30 percent
- Flashing animated ads
- Auto-playing video ads with sound
- Prestitial ads with countdown
- Full-screen scroll over
For businesses to identify annoying ads on their website, Google has created a new tool called the Google Ad Experience Report. Google defines an ad experience as the combination of site layout and behavior, as well as the content and ads that your users are exposed to.[irp]
This tool gives clarity on how the Better Ads Standards apply to their web pages. It shows screen shots and videos of annoying ad experiences on your website.
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